Monday, June 26, 2006

Writing my blog after a long long time feels weird...Its like going into hibernation and returning after it feeling like a novice. Neways life has suddenly got so busy that there is hardly any time for pursuing such so-called secondary pleasures....sigh sigh sigh...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So finally i made a new blog for myself... it has been an endless blog-making spree for me.... make a blog on a particular server, type down some of my random thoughts, and poof!!! in no time i have someone prying on me.. Maybe its not like really prying on me...its just curiosity, i guess..... how else would people know wots happening in my life inspite of not talking to me..or appearing completely disinterested in my life, whereas the reality is quite shockingly contradictory .....wahever...lets see how long this hideout remains under cover...till then.... gonna keep blogging......