Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Day 1...

The mad-mad world of a B-school. Had heard about it but now i am experiencing it first hand. I reached my institute on the 1st of june but the so-called events have begun from today. Met my new room-mates(from now on "roomies") on the 1st. One gal from Delhi and another from Amravati(an interior from Maharashtra). Nice gals. Here one's almost "married" to the roomies. You stay with them, sleep with them, eat with them, study with them, attend classes together, sit in classes together.... its endless. So the point is that you gotta really establish that connection with them which will help you achieve that perfect balance in your life.

The day started with what would probably be my first "shocker" in the two years here. First surprise test and as my luck would have it, it was my most "favourite" - Financial Accounting.

Fumbled through the entire 30 odd questions and couldn't remember a thing about what i ahd read during those bliss-ful days back in Mumbai.

And still that was the BEST part of the day. coz after that began the onslaught of hair-raising blood curdling presentations each of which systematically described the way we were going to be toughtened for the big bad world. It was like Organised Crime. It started with the harmless syllabus, then the attendance norms (for both acads and non-acads... the most alarming part) and finally the cherry on the miserable cake- the GPA system. For people like me, who had only read about this in Five-Point Someone, anticipating this nightmare personally was...well..cant really find the right word... maybe "stressful" ? yeah it was.... the throbbing headache reinforced that fact.....
Lunch was a saviour. Fried rice, Paneer makhani, soya bhaji, chapatti.... yummm....
After lunch we immediately rushed to the Audi for a briefing on the health care facilities being undertaken for us- the budding managers. The chief speaker, a doctor, clairified that acording to a study young management students like us were found to suffer from a number of lifestyle diseases like hypertension, kidney stones etc which even they themselves were not aware of. But this did not come as a surprise to me. If the course was designed in such a way that there would be a constant level of stress hovering on our juvenile minds all the time we were bound to land up on the docs table soon.....So here everything is taken care of.. The Cause and the Effect... the Virus and the Antibiotic.... the Disease and the Cure... lol....

Finally we had a "surprise" (i guess i should really stop using that word... it might just turn out to be the next most over-used word in my active vocab ) lecture by our Director, which simply underlined the simple message which was being drilled into us for the whole day... GET READY FOR TOUGH BUSINESS... hahah.. interesting... so here we will test our limits and maybe even stretch beyond them, we'll realise what we are truly made up of...

Finally we were handed a HUGE pile of books (which apparently forms only a tiny fraction of what we actually have to read and study) before we headed for our rooms....

tomorrow we head for our very first OBL (out bound learning) where we'll BREAK the ice and BUILD the team (i like the way this line is framed...)... and before i can say "oh i slept for only 3 hours yest"..... i'll head to my bed and be off to sleep... till then... Adios...

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